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If you loved me

This Black History Month’s Poetry Submission.

If you loved me you’d make me pancakes
not the boxed ones either.
Pancakes from scratch
I’m not a morning person, but I would be if you love me.

If you loved me you’d serve sausage on the side
not Jimmy Dean
Bradley’s Famous Smoked Sausage
I’d never be a vegetarian if you love me.

If you loved me you’d start making the grits before anything else
not instant grits either
The ground corn that takes an hour to cook,
I’ll buy real butter if you love me.

If you loved me I’d wake up to coffee at my nose
not Maxwell house either
Cafe con leche,
I’ll love you forever if you brew for me.

If you loved me you’d make me scrammbled eggs
not on the nonstick
but buttered enough it doesn’t stick in the skillet.
I’ll never be vegan if you love me.

If you loved me hot breakfast on a Saturday morning would be special
not just small talk
but the start of another week of adventure.
I’ll be optimistic when you love me.

Published in Uncategorized

One Comment

  1. Terri L Reshard Terri L Reshard

    Yes, I do. However, take the heart and leave the breakfast. 🙂

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