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Tag: passover

What does liberation look like?

    It is by no surprise that once again another media storm has surfaced due to the filmed killing of a black man. This isn’t the first time and the murderof George Floyd has already been surpassed by several more. George Floyd begged and pleaded for his life while a police officer abused his authority and severed trust with his community. Personally, my trust has long been severed, and this video (that I did not watch) did nothing to bridge the chasm between me and my local police officer. While everyone discusses why “this time is different”, I come with…

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Passover 2020

This is a collaborative post to my blog, spurned by a light-hearted conversation and a visual of me anointing my door post this Passover with Lysol. All jokes aside, there are many parallels in our world today to the world of Israel leaving Egypt. I’ve pulled our thoughts together here. You will find some direct quotes from my brother Lloyd and my dear friend Sophia. May God continue to be our deliverer and may we acknowledge, observe, and share the Passover tradition as Christ did leading up to Ressurection. Nathalie The majority of today’s world (that grew up outside of…

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