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Category: Personal

2023, bye Felicia!

As always there’s lots of reflection happing over here. I need to circle back to my 2020 end-of-the-year post. There are plenty of sayings I had this year and some experiences that led this year to be very challenging for my mental health. This year was the first time I considered taking meds for my cyclical depression and verbalized that to others. It was a year of seeing a lot of expectations missed and blown up in my face. But there were moments…and those moments were tea light candles on my path this year. So what am I into for…

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7 Sayings for 2020

As a recap of this year, I’ve decided to share sayings that have come up this year as a theme. I can’t take credit for originating them, but if you had a conversation with me this year you have heard my take on at least one of them. Seven just so happens to be the number for completion so these have to be the lessons of the year. The sayings are listed in no particular order with some context and origination for each. “It be your own people” Because in fact it is. This year proved that America’s own worst…

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What does liberation look like?

    It is by no surprise that once again another media storm has surfaced due to the filmed killing of a black man. This isn’t the first time and the murderof George Floyd has already been surpassed by several more. George Floyd begged and pleaded for his life while a police officer abused his authority and severed trust with his community. Personally, my trust has long been severed, and this video (that I did not watch) did nothing to bridge the chasm between me and my local police officer. While everyone discusses why “this time is different”, I come with…

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Passover 2020

This is a collaborative post to my blog, spurned by a light-hearted conversation and a visual of me anointing my door post this Passover with Lysol. All jokes aside, there are many parallels in our world today to the world of Israel leaving Egypt. I’ve pulled our thoughts together here. You will find some direct quotes from my brother Lloyd and my dear friend Sophia. May God continue to be our deliverer and may we acknowledge, observe, and share the Passover tradition as Christ did leading up to Ressurection. Nathalie The majority of today’s world (that grew up outside of…

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The Voyage

This year has started in roaring fashion. I feel as if I’d just blinked and opened my eyes to the top of the roller coaster. Granted there is A LOT left in store for 2020 but January has me peering over in fear of the dips, turns and curves of the rest of the ride.  I decided at the end of 2019 to take a much-needed self-care/birthday trip during January, knowing that all plans would be last minute. I have been suffering and made aware of my seasonal depression since 2012 but it has always seemed to catch me by…

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How I Celebrated Black History Month

It was about February 15th before I realized I hadn’t put any effort into celebrating Black History Month outside of reposting some memes. Honestly, it was an Instagram post I shared that made me realize I was coming up short. I’m no stranger to black history being a black woman in America. I am Nina Simone’s mantra, James Brown’s anthem, I am black black. So, when February 15th hit I ran across this post “10 Things White People Can Do To Celebrate Black History Month” It is a wonderful list that, quite frankly, should be practised by black people as…

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I spent a little time this year writing my thoughts out in my notes app, here are two raw moments. Unfinished yet Eternal Currently serves as the theme for my life. So many things I have encountered and started are unfinished right now. I have not made it nor have I arrived, but I’m pressing forward. “To what?” is the question. Right now I can’t tell you where I’ll be in five years, who I’ll be with, or how much money I will be making. Right now, I am unfinished for sure. Transition isn’t an unusual place for me, but this…

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Before you take the streets. What is your morning practice? What do you get up in the morning and do? Do you read, do you take your time in the shower? Is it the coffee? Can I suggest a practice for us? I would advise everyone to incorporate a Mirror Protest (#MirrorProtest). With all the frustrations we are facing in our country (USA) its very easy to let our pessimism show. It’s easy to dog someone, or share that meme that is derogatory, or express your ‘true’ feelings at the water cooler. An important part of this #MirrorProtest is believing…

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