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I’m just wondering how you don’t want the redeemed work.
The crucifixion pressed down shaken together overflowing truth.
The I fixed it and made it into what it should be.
The James 1:2 work.
The tried and true work.

All this time I thought the crucifixion was on purpose.
That while we live in it, we aren’t it.
That even though we did it, He cleansed it.
That if Jesus touched it, that must Be it.
That redeemed work.

Not the honoray work.
Not the, it’s a tradition that hasn’t been broken.
Not the, it’s been passed down for centuries and never changed.
Not the protocol for a blessing.

I thought you wanted the redeemed work.
The work that went without yet now lives within.
The work that was shed in the color red.
The work that changes everything.

See…why would you ever ever ever want that work that was easy. That never stood the trial or test. That never survived the betrayal? Why would you ever consider it.

Truth is I don’t want it unless it’s covered in blood, redeemed from the very dirt that I once trampled over, showing the depth of my ignorance grown into acceptance. The love that bore it’s acceptance.

The love that bore it’s acceptance.

The love that bore it’s acceptance.

I am redeemed.

Published in Uncategorized

One Comment

  1. Terri Reshard Terri Reshard

    YES, every believer is redeemed from the wrath to come, and will forever be with Him.

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