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Mother Teresa

The Grave / Google Photos

Today (Jan 26th) I came to visit Mother Teresa’s tomb. While the area of the city was not overly impressive, upon entering the mission the weight of the building and atmosphere was incredible. It’s not like coming into a place of worship but an overwhelming sense of oppression and gloom. I’ve prayed many times before for the gift of discernment, to understand the truth behind words, intentions, and places, but here this negative atmosphere does not seem to be unspiritual or better said, ungodly. It is just weighty. Maybe the Catholics call it purgatory… Like there is a burden of grief here. I’m not sure how Mother Teresa passed, but I am sure that she still grieves from her grave.
This past month the Pope moved to canonize Mother Teresa into sainthood. I think that’s why this visit is special. Though sainthood means nothing to me as a Christ follower, it is an honor to have visited and walked where someone has made as many strides for the faith as Mother Teresa. It is the pinnacle of servanthood that she reached and many here in India still love and idolize her.

“God has not called me to be successful, he called me to be faithful.”

On her tomb is a petition for prayers for her. I don’t believe writing a prayer to Mother Teresa is necessary, but just as the heavens rejoice, so the heavens revere God. And I’m sure there are many lost that continue to petition for their lives and their families lives. The angels in heaven rejoice and praise for the good works Christ has done and the also grieve with our acts on earth, so why not petition in prayer.
There is rarely anyone in history to make such a dynamic impact without knowing Jesus’ love by more than just words. My Franciscans would agree, by all means spread the gospel, and if necessary, use words
I pray that Jesus’ love reigns first. That the petitions of prayer made on her tombstone acknowledge Christ first! That we won’t need the veil, and we come to see the full access to what God personally gifted us. His son.

“It is not what we do or how much we do, but how much love we put into the action because that action is our love for God in action.” Intention.

As I sit here the mosque gears up for prayer somewhere nearby in the neighborhood. There is so much irony in this. But the truth is so close by. I pray the truth makes itself known in this country where so many need conviction and salvation, so many need hope and assurance for their future.

Published in Faith Personal Travel


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