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To Summarize:

The year of 2011 was a year of high expectations and growth for me. Looking back at the goals I set for the year I’d call myself successful. Success in my favorite quotation is defined as going from one failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. Though my shortcomings in some of my goals are apparent my theme for these past few months of ‘pressing forward’. I do plan on accomplishing each goal that I’ve set, one step at a time.

I took 2010 as one of the hardest years of my life and my crucible moment (moving back to Florida from DC) was not a regret. In February this year my grandmother passed. This summarizes my best and my worst this year, a new chapter. I love my grandmother and the time I spent with her will forever be cherished. I learned a lot being by her side as her body and mind started to decline. I learned a new appreciation for what I have always held dear, my family. I learned to respect my elders far better than I have. I learned it really does take a village. I learned that true relationships take nuturing and a foundation to rest upon. I learned planning for the future is never in vain.

Marie Austin lived a life that cannot be rivaled. Her homegoing service was a celebration of a God big enough to love and nurture her and all of her children. She passed away with the ones she loved most and released our family to pursue the next chapters in our lives. While I saw our lives entraped for so many years, I began to see release. My mother was able to start living her dream traveling to be a Peace Corps volunteer in Armenia. I was able to move and continue my career coaching. Seeing my mother’s faith and preparation for my grandmother’s homegoing nutured my faith to a higher level.

At the end of the year I rest assured in this, that my God is faithful to do everything He says and that you ask for, abiding in Him. I glad my focus has grown to seeking His face and not his hand. I’m thankful that he has given me a portion and I am able to be faithful and diligent over the little in this season to prepare for the next. I am thankful for whatever progress I experience and I press forward to. I leave 2011 with a thank you, because if its not a challenge, then I am not growing or learning. Thank you 2011, I’m suiting up for 2012.

Published in My Bucket List Personal


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