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End of the Year Recap Part 4

There are a few more people to add for this year….

Jim Isbell and I met on a whim this year. My father was spending six weeks out in Provo, Utah when he ran into Jim.  After my father passed along his phone number to me, we had a good phone conversation that turned into a great business opportunity.  When Jim came to visit me in October I was really able to what he was really about.  A loving, caring, family, and business man. I really look forward to working with him for a while.
Small Business Advocates has such a bright future ahead, and I look forward to building the company with him.

Patrick Harrington – Playing basketball may be over for me but coaching has been a very different experience for me with Coach Harrington.  His knowledge of the game is vast, but what really impresses me about him is his ability to manage and relate to his players.  I have never been under a coaching ‘philosophy’ like his so at first it seemed all like the wrong idea! But I have come to realize that his style of coach is still VERY effective. I’ve really enjoyed the wit of his personality and spending time with his family.  I am very thankful for the opportunity to still be connected to the game of basketball on his staff and to be learning a lot about running a program.

Tamela McCorvey – This relationship is a great example of long term friendships.  Since we’ve been teammates we’ve fairly kept in touch.  But no matter how much some people change, others do not.  And Tam is the most laid back trustworthy person I know.  I’ve really enjoyed coaching with her this season. More so, I really respect our friendship. It’s been a relationship that’s been built over time, and I appreciate that.

Terri Reshard is my mother. Lloyd Reshard is my father.  There’s not much more to say here other than, I love them.  Even though I just now coming into understanding of all they have done in my life and how much they love me. I am ever so grateful for their kind hearts.  Both of them took me in when they didn’t have to and both have been mentors to me in this transitional stage in my life. ::I might be tearing up right now, but this is a blog post:: I’m really thankful and my promise to them is that I’ll be out of their hair by the end of next year.

Published in Personal


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