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And I’m Back!

Back in Niceville that is…I’ve been back in the states for about two weeks now, and have realized all of my unsuspecting readers in cyberspace have been missing my occasional blog.  I neglected to blog during my time in Czech due to our team posting a blog on the AIA site (which you can visit here: AIA Team Blogs) more so because I hate duplicating information. So you can read/hear about most of our trip and day to day action on that blog.  Personally, the trip was extremely comfortable and you can view a recap video I did in Frankfurt…(Recap in Frankfurt)…which is pretty much the same way I feel now.

I flew back into Orlando and was able to spend some time with my boyfriend John, my sister Rita, and my cousin TK. All of who moved into new apartments while I was on the trip.  So I spent most of the week moving things from location A to B and going shopping for things at the apartments. I was able to spend the following weekend there to and go to church at Patmos and OWOC. OWOC was a real treat and surprise because my pastor from Grace Covenant in DC was the guest preacher, so it was like I was able to see all my church family at once! It was great to speak with them both and catch up on events. Looks like both churches are growing at exponential rates! I still miss the girls from my life group in DC, they were real sisters during my time there.

Coming back home has been difficult still. I find that my heart is still stretched several different ways. There’s even a bit of it in Prague. Its very much here too, I love my family and if this is currently the only service I can give, I’ll be happy while I’m here.  While it looks like my Grandma’s time here in Niceville is coming to an end, I’ve really enjoyed being able to spend this much time with her. Raising 14+ children didn’t allow my grandmother much (if any) time to spend one on one with her offspring. So this truly is a big blessing.  I’m glad she is still in her right mind and can share stories and experiences from even when she was a little girl. That’s so special. I love my grandma, it will be hard for me and my mother to see her moved back to Tallahassee, but whatever is in God’s will, we will obey.

Labor day weekend was relaxing. I didn’t spend it like I usually do cooking out, watching football, and going to the beach, but I did get to relax.  I ended up going to Pensacola to my mom’s (Robin) book signing party which was a great success. You can pick up her book Little Book of ‘Fro-isms here ( Then we went for dinner at 5 Sisters and listened to some live jazz. The rest of the weekend was spent in the hospital with my grandmother, she was getting observation done and she was dehydrated.  So we just chilled out and watched tv, first time I had been in Twin Cities hospital since I moved here in 1989. Which Robin noted as a blessing in itself. The long weekend did wrap up with a great football game in Boise vs VTech. No one can tell me that wasn’t exciting!

Now its just on to the week and….whatever that holds. Job searching, writing, relaxing…etc.

Published in Personal


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