Well I’m ready–or I was ready. I’m all on the plane now, no turning back!
I guess last night I started thinking about my emotions for this trip and what I am prepared to do. I don’t think I’m prepared much at all, but I can say I’m well rested! I haven’t done much of anything the past couple of weeks except run. I’m definitely prayed up. Actually my last Bible study with John was about witnessing sort of a preparation for this trip. So some background but not much. I spent most of my time preparing for my flight back to the states when I have to travel by myself! Frankfurt, Germany layover….and I’m not staying in the airport 6 hours. So I have a bus schedule and everything ready to go visit downtown and do a little shoping. The main attraction for me would be the museum, but it will be closed 🙁 so a little sight seeing on the bus shouldn’t be bad.
Overall, I’m just ready to meet and visit new people and places. God will work on me when I get there, and that can be in Chicago and not Prague. Big problem though…my bag is already 40lbs, hopefully I can shove some things in my backpack! Help!
Proverbs 3:5,6
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