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Blessed Week!

Wow I just looked at my post from last week and that feels like a month ago! Man a lot has gone on this week, I mean when I got back from Orlando I was expecting pretty much the same as before I left. That’s not what God had in mind… The week pretty much started with basketball at OW which was nice, and I played well so I couldn’t complain too much. Tuesday led to major movement on the job front and search. I also found out I would be able to go on the AIA tour to Czech Republic. That’s was the best news I’ve heard all summer!
By the time Wednesday came around I was walkin round in the spirit! LoL I went to open gym with a new vigor. Gotta get in great shape now, ha! I would love to go into how great the job search was going, but I’ll have to expose those details later. Support raising was obviously a bigger focus for the end of the week, but I really feel that the Lord set this one up, so I will be on my way to Czech next month! Everyone has been so helpful thus far. I even got more great news on the job search on Friday, which just left me with a smile.

By this morning I was in overflow by how much God had moved in my life this week. Canoeing down Blackwater River was so relaxing. It was pretty busy today too, lots of families were out enjoying the weather, even though we hit some early rain…

I can’t really rate how the weeks pass by for me, but this one was great! I’m really blessed, I had to sit and reflect, give thanks, and just sing this week. I really want to sing again. I miss UCF, those guys/gals were truly a blessing. I guess in the meantime I’ll continue to do praise and worship in my room lol. I fixed up somethings on my website too…

Everything just seemed to flow this week…

Proverbs 3:5,6
Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Published in Personal


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